Saturday, February 12, 2005

And Now... Google Maps

It almost seems as if Google is launching a new app every week. I don't know how they can keep it up. Their latest Beta is Google Maps service and it's damn hard to believe it's still in experimental stage. There are three tabs available: one is just a map of the address you're looking for, the second gives you a Local Search for businesses nearby, and the third is for directions. The turn-by-turn driving directions are among the slickest I've ever seen and highly interactive. Easy-on-the-eyes colors and the ability to selectively look at individual steps along the way in detail. If this is the experimental Beta version, I can't begin to imagine what the finished version will look like! This is really going to give everyone else a run for their money. Check it out.

You're right. Superior in almost every way from MapQuest. Fast, easy to understand and navigate. Still a few bugs in the routing part but overall a real pleasure to use.
Looks like it will give the other guys a run for their money! I am a fan of Google's beta "Alert" app. Very slick.
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